- Gagnon MP, Duplantie J, Fortin JP. Perceived utility of various telehealth applications. 9th meeting of the Canadian Society of Telehealth. Edmonton, Canada, October 15th-17th, 2006
- Labrecque M, Gagnon MP, Légaré F, Frémont P, Cauchon M, Dufresne C, Desmartis M. Physicians’ beliefs toward completing an online continuing medical education program on evidence-based medicine. 2006 NAPCRG annual meeting. Tucson, USA, October 15th-18th, 2006
- Gagnon MP, Pluye P, Gravel K. Données probantes et décisions sur les services de santé: L’apport des revues systématiques mixtes. XVIIe Congrès de l’Association Latine pour l’Analyse des Systèmes de Santé. Milan, Italy, October 4th-4th, 2006
- Gagnon MP, Duplantie J. L’influence de la télésanté sur l’attraction et le maintien des médecins en région éloignée. XVIIe Congrès de l’Association Latine pour l’Analyse des Systèmes de Santé. Milan, Italy, 4-7 octobre 2006
- Gagnon MP, Lamothe L, Hebert M, Chanliau J, Fortin JP. Challenges in evaluating new modalities of health care: the case of telehomecare. Health Technology Assessment International Conference. Adelaide, July 2nd-5th, 2006
- Gagnon MP, Légaré F, Labrecque M, Fremont P, Pluye P, Gagnon J, Gravel K. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) adoption by health care professionals: A systematic review of implementation strategies (poster). Health Technology Assessment International Conference. Adelaide, July 2nd-5th, 2006
- Gagnon MP, Jennett P, Scott RE, Fortin JP, Landry R. The impact of telehealth on rural medical practice: A comparison between two Canadian provinces. 11th Annual Meeting of the American Telemedicine Association. San Diego, CA, USA, May 6th-10th, 2006
- Pluye P, Gagnon MP. The rise of new syntheses: Quality appraisal issues in Systematic Mixed Reviews. 2nd International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Urbana-Champaign, USA, May 4th-6th, 2006
- Gagnon MP, Sanchez E, Pons JMV. The use of recommendations in decision-making: A multi-dimensional perspective. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health Invitational Symposium. Ottawa, Canada, April 2nd-4th, 2006
- Gagnon MP, Légaré F, Labrecque M, Fremont P, Pluye P, Gagnon J. Interventions to promote information and communication technologies adoption in health care: A ‘realist’ systematic review. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health Invitational Symposium. Ottawa, Canada, April 2nd-4th, 2006
- Gagnon MP. Information and communication technology adoption by healthcare professionals: An overview of theoretical models and their application. IADIS Conference on Applied Computing. San Sebastian, Spain, February 25th-28th, 2006