Chaire de recherche du Canada
Technologies et pratiques en santé
La Chaire de recherche du Canada en technologies et pratiques en santé porte sur l'implantation des technologies innovantes pour soutenir le système de santé.


  • Mbemba GIC*, Gagnon MP, Hamelin-Brabant L. Factors influencing recruitment and retention of healthcare workers in rural and remote areas in developed and developing countries: An overview. Journal of public health in Africa, 2016, 7(2)
  • Posadzki P, Mastellos M, Ryan R, Gunn LH, Felix LM, Pappas M, Gagnon MP, Julious SA, Xiang L, Oldenburg B, Car J. Automated telephone communication systems for preventive healthcare and management of long-term conditions. Cochrane Library, 2016
  • Dupouy C*, Gagnon MP. The influence of hospital-based HTA on technology acquisition decision. International Journal of Hospital-Based Heatlh technology Assessment, 2016; 1:19-28
  • Beogo I*, Mendez B, Gagnon MP. Psychometric evaluation of the French version of the Clinical Nursing Competence Questionnaire (CNCQ-22): a cross-sectional study in nursing education in Burkina Faso. Nurse Education Today, 2016; 45:173-8
  • Ngangue P*, Bédard E, Tchala Vignon Zomahoun H, Payne-Gagnon J, Fournier C, Afounde J, Gagnon MP. Returning for HIV Test Results: A systematic review of barriers and facilitators. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2016 doi: 10.1155/2016/6304820
  • Alami H*, Lamothe L, Fortin JP, Gagnon MP. L’implantation de la télésanté et la pérennité de son utilisation au Canada: Quelques leçons à retenir. European Research in Telemedicine, 2016; 5(4):105-117
  • Kengne Talla P*, Gagnon MP, Dawson A. Environmental factors influencing adoption of Canadian Guidelines on smoking cessation in dental healthcare settings in Quebec: A qualitative study for dentists’ perspectives. Dentistry Journal, 2016; 4(4):40 file:///Users/nadinetremblay/Downloads/dentistry-04-00040.pdf
  • Dupouy C*, Gagnon MP. The influence of hospital-based HTA on technology acquisition decision. International Journal of Hospital-Based Heatlh technology Assessment, 2016, 1:19-28
  • Batona G*, Alary M, Gagnon MP, Développement et implantation d’une intervention ciblée encourageant le dépistage régulier du VIH chez les travailleuses du sexe au Bénin: Application du protocole d’intervention mapping. Global Health Promotion, 2016:1-12
  • Menear M, Gervais M, Careau E, Chouinard MC, Cloutier G, Delorme A, Dogba MJ, Gagnon MP, Gilbert M, Harvey D. Strategies and impacts of patient and family engagement in collaborative mental healthcare: protocol for a systematic and realist review. BMJ Open, 2016 Sep 1; 6(9):e12949 
  • Gagnon MP, Candas B, Desmartis M, Rhainds M, Coulombe M, Gagnon J, Tantchou Dipankui M*, Payne-Gagnon J, Légagé F. Engaging patient representatives, healthcare managers and clinicians in the identification and prioritization of Health Technology Assessment topics. International Journal of Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment, 2016; 1:31-40
  • Ngangue P*, Gagnon MP, Bédard, E. Prendre connaissance de son résultat après un dépistage volontaire du VIH au Cameroun. Santé Publique, 2016, 3(28):409-416
  • Mbemba GIC*, Bagayoko CO, Gagnon MP, Hamelin-Brabant, L. & Simonyan, D. The influence of a telehealth project on healthcare professional recruitment and retention in remote areas in Mali: A longitudinal study. SAGE Open Medicine, 2016, 4:1-8
  • Gagnon MP, Ghandour EK*, Payne-Gagnon J, Fortin JP. Le dossier de santé personnel électronique: la clé de la continuité informationnelle pour des soins centrés sur le patient? Le Point en santé et services sociaux, 2016, 12(1):54-58
  • Gagnon MP, Payne-Gagnon J, Breton E, Fortin JP, Khoury L, Dolovich L, Price D, Wiljer D, Bartlett G, Archer N. Adoption of electronic personal health records in Canada: Perceptions of stakeholders. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2016, 5(7):425-433
  • Gagnon J, Lapierre J, Gagnon MP, Lechasseur K, Dupéré S, Gauthier M, Farman P, Lazure G. Processus de transfert et d’appropriation des savoirs d’étudiantes en sciences infirmières et de milieux de soins Africains: une étude de cas multiples. Rech Soins Infirm, 2016 Mar, (124):17-38
  • Alami H*, Gagnon MP, Fortin JP. Telehealth in light of cloud computing: Clinical, technological, regulatory and policy issues. Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth, 4:e51
  • Greenhalgh T, et al. (MP Gagnon among the authors). An open letter to The BMJ editors on qualitative research. BMJ, 2016,352(i563): 1-4
  • Ngangue P*, Bedard E, Ngueta G, Adiogo D, Gagnon MP. Failure to return for posttest counseling and HIV test results at the prevention and voluntary testing and counseling centers of Douala, Cameroon: An evaluation of a routine five-year program. AIDS Research and Treatment, 2016, Published online
  • Beogo I*, Huang N, Gagnon MP, D Amendah D. Out-of-pocket expenditure and its determinants in the context of private healthcare sector expansión in sub-Saharan Africa urban cities: Evidence from household survey in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. BMC Research Notes, 2016, 9(1):1-10
  • Gagnon MP, Simonyan D*, Ghandour EK*, Godin G, Labrecque M, Ouimet M, Rousseau M. Factors influencing electronic health record adoption by physicians: A multilevel analysis. International Journal of Information Management, 2016, 36(3):258-270
  • Wosinski J, Cordier SB, Bachmann AO, Gagnon MP, Kiszio B. Effectiveness of nurse-led healthy aging strategies for older adults living in the community: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 2016 Jan 1; 14(2):5-15