Chaire de recherche du Canada
Technologies et pratiques en santé
La Chaire de recherche du Canada en technologies et pratiques en santé porte sur l'implantation des technologies innovantes pour soutenir le système de santé.


  • Kengne Talla P*, Gagnon MP, Dawson A. Development and testing of a questionnaire exploring dentists’ intention to use clinical practice guidelines on smoking cessation in Quebec: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Dental and Health Sciences, 2017, 4(2):16
  • Ali Ag Ahmed M*, Gagnon MP, Hamelin-Brabant L, Mbemba GIC, Alami H. A mixed methods systematic review of success factors of mhealth and telehealth for maternal health in Sub-Saharan Africa. mHealth, 2017
  • Alami H*, Gagnon MP, Ghandour EK*, Fortin JP. La réortientation des services de santé et la promotion de la santé: une lecture de la situation trente ans après la charte d’Ottawa. Revue Santé publique, 2017, 29(2): 179-184
  • Archambault PM, van de Belt TH, Kuziemsky C, Plaisance A, Dupuis A, McGinn CA, Francois R, Gagnon MP, Turgeon AF, Horsley T, Witteman W, Poitras J, Lapointe J, Brand K, Lachaine J, Légaré F. Collaborative writing applications in healthcare: effects on professional practice and healthcare outcomes. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017, Issue 4
  • Mora J, Iturraide MD, Prieto L, Domingo C, Gagnon MP, Martinez-Carazo C, March AG, De Massari D, Marti T, Nalin M, Avolio F, Bousquet J, de Manuel Keenoy E and ASSEHS group. Key aspects related to implementation of risk stratification in health care systems-the ASSEHS study. BMC Health Services Research, 2017, 17:331 
  • Ngangue P*, Bédard E, Gagnon MP. Challenges in the delivery of public HIV testing and counselling (HTC) services in Douala, Cameroon: Provider perspectives and implications on quality of HTC services. BMC International Health and Human Rights, 2017, 17:9
  • Rouleau G*, Gagnon MP, Côté J, Payne-Gagnon J, Hudson E, Dubois CA. Impacts of information and communication technologies on nursing care: Results of an overview of systematic reviews. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2017, 19(4):e122
  • Côté J, Cossette S, Ramirez-Garcia P, Rouleau G*, Auger P, Boudreau F, Gagnon MP. Improving health and reducing comorbidity associated with HIV: the development of TAVIE en santé, a Web-based tailored intervention to support the adoption of health promoting behaviors among people living with HIV. BioMed Research International, 2017, Volume 2017
  • Beogo I*, Mendez Rojas B, Gagnon MP. Determinants and materno-fetal outcomes related to caesareans section delivery in private and public hospitals in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Systematic Reviews, 2017, 6:5